Automatic Clicker as per its name suggests to be an auto-click amenity which pertains to an exact choosy place on your screen which acquires to be clicked at decided breaks without you doing just nothing by hand. Accordingly, this apparatus functions well on full-screen applications and never indulges with any kind of rooting in it. In general, Automatic Clicker will conveniently tap or strike on any area when you aim at your screen at whatever period of time based on your choice. This app is a completely developed auto clicker opted with two major modes of auto clicking at your energetic indicator or at a specific location. In this app, the largest amounts of clicked can very well be organized. Nonetheless, every hot key in this app functions very well at the backgrounds for a reliable purpose. In addition to it, Automatic Clicker app is fully relevant and accessible on all Android devices and can be easily downloaded from the most popular 9apps for further operations without paying ...